2017’s Best Articles on Social Isolation

As Metta deepened our efforts to combat social isolation for seniors in 2017, we couldn’t help noticing great articles on loneliness and isolation around the web. Here are some of our favorites from last year; check them out to learn more about this critical health issue.

  • Former US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy shared his take on loneliness in the Harvard Business Review—how it’s hurting Americans and American businesses, and what steps we can take to forge connections in the workplace. Read more here.
  • In 2017, we began to uncover the links between loneliness, social isolation, and poor health. This New York Times article is a great primer on the differences between loneliness and isolation, and how both may contribute to cognitive decline.
  • Metta Fund isn’t the only organization looking for ways to reduce loneliness and isolation. The Chicago Tribune had a powerful piece last year on the community solutions and opportunities to engage that can help seniors re-connect and overcome isolation.
  • Finally, the National Center on Elder Abuse shared a 3-minute animated video on how social isolation can lead to elder abuse, and how our society can support seniors in reconnecting to prevent this injustice.