Transforming the Tenderloin

Metta grantee Tenderloin Health Improvement Partnership (TLHIP) is tasked with a big challenge: aligning community organizations, health systems, and government agencies to improve health in the Tenderloin, a neighborhood being dramatically transformed by gentrification. This neighborhood has long been one of San Francisco’s lowest-income, with residents who suffer from high rates of chronic disease and substance use disorders, in part due to the neighborhood landscape—it lacks healthy food options and open spaces, and has a history of street violence, drug trade, and prostitution. In recent years, it’s also been a popular neighborhood for technology companies and employees moving into San Francisco.

TLHIP and its many partner and member organizations want to see the neighborhood transformed into a healthier place—one where longtime residents can stay and thrive. TLHIP and its partners align their priorities, investments, and efforts, using the Collective Impact model to keep progress moving along.

TLHIP’s efforts are paying off. The group has already helped make big changes such as renovating Boeddeker Park and transforming a corner known for its open-air drug trade into a writing and tutoring center for youth. Metta has been proud to support TLHIP’s efforts to make this neighborhood a healthy and vibrant home for all.

Learn more about TLHIP’s incredible success and their vision for the rapidly changing neighborhood in this American Hospital Association case study of their work.